Secure Voting

Protecting your member data and elections

Elections are the cornerstone of governing a member organization. Since no organization can afford to have their governance called into question, the security of the voting process is absolutely vital to protect your members’ data and the integrity of the election.

Even though organizations have different security needs, there are best practices and tools that should be considered to ensure your security measures are top notch and members have a clear understanding of how seriously you take election security.

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Download Secure Voting to Learn:

a white icon of a megaphone on a black background
Best practices related to security and your election
a white icon with a heart and a thumbs up
Information about Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) vs. Transport Layer Security (TLS)
a white icon of three papers connected to a folder
What SOC 2® can mean for election peace of mind
a white icon of two speech bubbles on a black background
A tool you can use to quickly and easily understand your vendor's election security ranking
SBS eBook cover Secure Voting and elections a brown arrow pointing down with a white background

eBook - Secure Voting

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